Hi, it's me. Created a blog thingy, thanks for looking. I didn't start this to write as much as to follow other blogs, mostly to keep up with Oaks folks I don't get to hang out with very often due to the fact that we live an hour away from the church. Hopefully one day that will be remedied. I also don't necessarily need to write a blog as something else to do; having a five month old, plus working at home keeps me pretty busy.
I am also still one class away from finishing my undergrad degree at Cedarville, and I really need to write the 25 page senior paper before I start the class, because by then it will be too late and I won't have enough time to get everything done while I'm taking it. I can take it this fall or next spring, and at the moment I'm leaning toward spring because I haven't even started research on the book I'm writing about (Marilynne Robinson's Gilead). Please feel free to keep me accountable and ask how the research is going.
The title "The Soul in Paraphrase" comes from Renaissance poet George Herbert's "Prayer". It's used as a metaphor for, you guessed it...prayer. I've always thought it was a cool image. Here's the whole poem:
PRAYER the Churches banquet, Angels age,
Gods breath in man returning to his birth,
The soul in paraphrase, heart in pilgrimage,
The Christian plummet sounding heav’n and earth ;
Engine against th’ Almightie, sinner's towre,
Reversed thunder, Christ-side-piercing spear,
The six daies world-transposing in an houre,
A kinde of tune, which all things heare and fear ;
Softnesse, and peace, and joy, and love, and blisse,
Exalted Manna, gladnesse of the best,
Heaven in ordinarie, man well drest,
The milkie way, the bird of Paradise,
Church-bels beyond the stars heard, the souls bloud,
The land of spices, something understood.
Hope everyone has a good weekend! We're looking forward to my parents and sister coming to visit tomorrow. Any excuse for them to see the grandchild. :)
welcome to the blogosphere :)
ReplyDeletewelcome kate!!! I'm excited to read!